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Lucas Greiner/Christian Jakobeit/Andreas Erhardt
Better Ultrasound

Tips and Case Studies for the Clinical Ultrasound Practice
Hardcover mit Fadenheftung
328 S.; 2016; EUR 130,00
ISBN: 978-3-943940-13-8



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An adequate degree of creative association

To conduct an ultrasound is a clinical art – the more so, if it is to be a good ultrasound; and who would even think of it without this sense of entitlement?
Possibly the beginner, for whom this book was written, containing advice for the ultrasound examination of the abdomen and other body regions with numerous case studies, black and white or with colour, with or without contrast medium, interventional or without needle and drainage, simple or complex (and purposely only loosely structured according to organ systems, similar to that which is characteristic of the everyday working environment) – and without any claim to completeness.
Sonography requires taking a very close look and an adequate degree of creative association, as well as fantasy and clinical ability for deduction – not too much, but also not too little either.

Leseprobe (pdf-Datei)




No matter if in general practice or in hospital, ultrasound can no longer be done without in daily medical life. The list of specialist disciplines that rely on it and trust its results is longer than the list of those, who can manage without it. Or the list of those, who think - whether rightly or wrongly remains to be seen at this point - they can do without by relying solely on computer tomography (CT), for example.

The comparison of illuminating the respective body region (such as the upper abdomen) with the help of a two-dimensional searchlight (and its interface reflexions) serves as an illustrative picture of sonography (Fig. 0.1). The addition of the many two-dimensional images results in a three-dimensional image of the real-time situation - in the mind of the examiner (and as a video if requested).

Fig. 01 Schematic dynamic representation of the scanning process ("cross-section pictures") compared to a two-dimensional searchlight (according to Braun)

This simple comparison represents besides real-time conditions, as well and above all, the free rotatability and plane selectivity, which the ultrasound possesses as additional unique characteristics.

Three-dimensional sonographic images become available in principle with high-end devices, and are not often used so far - except in gynaecologic-obstetric routine diagnostics.

Ultrasound is for the user primarily a piece of equipment, to help make rapid decisions what is to be done subsequently with the patient, with respect to diagnosis and therapy, and as a facilitator for confidence-building measures. An additional benefit is the uncomplicated monitoring possibility of clinical findings which is possible at any time.

Clinical sonography is particularly profitable because of its ubiquitous availability as a one person examination method, and when used together with the knowledge of the patient's medical history and basic clinical chemistry data in combination with clinical experience and sonographic expertise.

Furthermore, clinical ultrasound is known to be advantageous by its easy use (this is valid especially for the increasingly powerful performance of portable devices), and the seemingly relative ease of learning how to use it. The safe procedure and the closeness to the patient can create a tempting sense of security and trust with the patient, even when less experienced in its use.

Knowledge on sonographic performance is becoming more and more part of general learning. As a proof for this observation is the growing presence of this method in comics and general information during everyday life.

To conduct an ultrasound is a clinical art - the more so, if it is to be a good ultrasound; and who would even think of it without this sense of entitlement? Possibly the beginner, for whom this book was written, containing advice for the ultrasound examination of the abdomen and other body regions with numerous case studies, black and white or with colour, with or without contrast medium, interventional or without needle and drainage, simple or complex (and purposely only loosely structured according to organ systems, similar to that which is characteristic of the everyday working environment) - and without any claim to completeness.

Sonography requires taking a very close look and an adequate degree of creative association, as well as fantasy and clinical ability for deduction - not too much, but also not too little either.

Accordingly, we hope that this book may have many critical and creative readers and users.

Lucas Greiner
Christian Jakobeit
Andreas Erhardt

NordPark Verlag

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